Sunday, October 24, 2010


Good morning to all....It would seem that just maybe that last weeks C.R Space worked...scroll down to see last post.
When I re-did my blog name, I wanted something that reflected my personality and who I am as a person...I have since been pleased with my blog.
 Well I was reading Everyday Chous and her post 'My Mothers Curse', and had a good giggle....then I found a picture while looking for, a vvvvvery rare object (PEN) of my GKkidlet when she was about 3 or 4 and thought, "what have I done". It really truly is catching....So to my Sweet Girl, I shall apologise now for any long term adversities.
Seriously...I just luv how she can express herself with confidence and be all that she wants to be. Sorry for to for face graffiti as I don't pop then on the Internet...

I luv the crown with the purple beanie, and don't the slippers just top it all off. She is 11 now and still luvs to play with baby alive. They go for big walks around the farm with my pram. She now dresses up in my clothes, with some interesting creations. This is one of my most fav photos of her, and the good thing is, she still has that fun spirit.
We had our first sewing lesson on the weekend.....but I will save that for another blog.
Have a super week.

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