Fancy the kidlets finishing school a good week before Christmas.....I remember always finishing this early.....We can now settle into the holidays, plan our weeks, and just enjoy not being a slave to the clock and calender! I also remember the excitement for Christmas would build in that week before, with Mum and my sister running around doing the last minute things. I remember the Aussie Christmas bush in a vase on the side board & Grandma would bring some pickings of Holly (that doesn't flower here at Xmas) and sneaking her homemade short bread. My Auntie made pudding with threepence in them which she would buy back for five cents each....
I could go on forever......I am going to take the Kidlets to town next week (crazy women) so they can experience the hype of it all....will catch a movie, see other friends through the week, and they to, can have some new memories to think about when they grow up.
Its so easy to forget that 'feeling', and the smells of Christmas!....But so true how children bring it back for you. I hope you all feel that twinkle next week and enjoy the time you share with the ones you luv.
Ah yes, the smells, sounds, tastes and feeling of a chldhood Christmas. Your post brought back many fond and long forgotten memories for me, a tear or two for lost family and A much needed Christmassy Twinkle, Thank You!! Merry Christmas.