Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well a BIG THANK YOU to Tracy at Thimbelinas and Cath ( know blog ). These  wonderful friends gave me a beautiful quilt, that over the years, we have all receive one...take a look Friendships Heart.

So now I have to wish my dear friend Floss a very wonderful Birthday
I decided to make her a Reversible Loop Bag. I luv making these bags, They take about 1/2 hour to whip up.
On Flosses Bag, I have put some little charms around the base....Happy Birthday Floss XOXO
I really liked the charms, there was five different words. I found them on clearance at Spotlight...Luv a bargain.


  1. Those are all great gifts! Cute idea with the charms.

  2. I'm so glad that you love your quilt as much as Cath and I love ours!
    Your little bags are gorgeous too!

  3. oh the quilt is very special.....friends are precious......nice bag too........

  4. It was lovely of you to bring this beautiful quilt in to show us the other weekend. Love the bag too, great fabrics.
    Hope you had a lovely birthday.

  5. Nic the quilts are just so lovely....great looking bag...
